03 Feb

Boom in the CBD Product Industry Creates Need for Quality Packaging

CBD is becoming more widely available in legalized capacities and is currently the fastest growing industry in the United States — thirty states plus the District of Columbia have already enacted laws that broadly legalize marijuana. This swift CBD industry boom has made designing the right packaging more important than ever. 

03 Feb

Why Are Green Initiatives Important?

Businesses that focus on green initiatives for their workspace, employees, and products prioritize the health of the planet and environment. More and more, society is recognizing that a healthy planet means a sustainable life for future generations. In fact, more than 1.2 billion jobs depend on the earth’s ecosystems.

03 Feb

A Shark's Journey Through Climate Change

Slicing through the oceanic depths, sharks are graceful creatures with a row full of teeth that have haunted nightmares and received a dedicated viewership during Shark Week. From tail tip to nose, the shark skeleton is all cartilage, and its jaw is unattached at the skull, meaning that the jaw can enlarge to swallow large prey. While some similarities are drawn between fish and sharks, sharks also navigate the oceanic environment with the aid of a sophisticated electroreceptive system that allows them to detect slight electrical fields.

03 Feb

How to Support Reforestation

Everyone knows that trees are essential for combatting climate change and maintaining the earth’s air quality. As society begins to take notice of the effects of climate change, there is a desperate need for solutions. That’s where reforestation comes in. Reforestation offers a natural climate solution, promising to potentially provide 37% of the greenhouse gas mitigation and stabilize global heating. Research reveals that trees benefit the climate and human health.

03 Feb

How to Create an Amazing Unboxing Experience

As online ordering takes over traditional in-store shopping, the unboxing of products has become more important to brands who want to truly create an experience for their customers. In fact, there are YouTube channels that are devoted specifically to unboxing products on camera for both the pleasure and review of the item. How a product is unboxed can increase marketing, engagement, and customer connection.

03 Feb

How To Recognize Sustainable Packaging

In order for consumers and businesses to develop a greener world, it’s important to know how to recognize sustainable packaging. Over the last decade, socially responsible companies have been creating a strategy for becoming environmentally conscious from their processes to their packaging. While many green buzzwords exist, learning to actually recognize green practices and packaging can be difficult.

03 Feb

A Whale's Journey Through Climate Change

Hidden behind the dense curtain of the ocean water and singing an eerie song of their own, whales are the gentle giants of the deepest depths. Whales are built similarly to the Hippopotamus and are warm-blooded with a layer of blubber to help insulate and moderate body temperature. Large flippers allow them to navigate the ocean currents, and their blowholes on the top of their head allow a quick breath before diving again. Some whales can hold their breath for up to 90 minutes.

03 Feb

How to Recognize Luxury Packaging

With shelves stocked in hundreds of colorful products, you want to be able to know how to recognize luxury packaging. After all, packaging is the cover of the product, introducing and summarizing its benefits. No longer is a customer’s purchase decision just about the product; the packaging is just as crucial.

03 Feb

4 Reasons Earth Day Is Important to Our Planet

Earth Day, an annual celebration of the efforts made to support the environment, occurs on April 22nd throughout the world. This day is meant to help raise awareness of environmental issues through rallies, service projects, conferences, and other outdoor activities. Although Earth Day began as a small grassroots movement, its existence has propelled the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the passage of the Clean Air Act, the Endangered Species Act, the Water Quality Improvement Act, the Federal Occupational Health and Safety Act, and others.