03 Feb

The Sustainability Miracle Plant: Bamboo

Bamboo is an amazingly versatile and renewable material, and we are just beginning to understand the potential implications and uses of this miracle plant. At Golden Arrow, our sustainably crafted packaging solutions are made with bamboo fibers that replace harmful plastic packaging. Here are a few of the reasons why we love working with bamboo. 

03 Feb

Working From Home Sustainably

Sustainability starts at home. With more and more of us working from home, now is as good an opportunity as ever to improve sustainability habits. 

Smarter Lighting

Harsh artificial lighting is one of the worst parts of working in an office — so why reproduce that at home? Save energy by positioning your desk near a sunny window and turning down the lights around your house. This study found that natural sunlight improves employee mood and productivity — aka energy-saving efforts plus an added boost to productivity. 

03 Feb

Bamboo Packaging: A Sustainable Molded Fiber Option

Bamboo, when used as a material for packaging, offers a high level of durability along with versatility. Bamboo has a rapid growth rate, making it an abundant and biodegradable renewable resource. This giant grass-type plant functions in many capacities from fabric to food to flooring.

03 Feb

Boom in the CBD Product Industry Creates Need for Quality Packaging

CBD is becoming more widely available in legalized capacities and is currently the fastest growing industry in the United States — thirty states plus the District of Columbia have already enacted laws that broadly legalize marijuana. This swift CBD industry boom has made designing the right packaging more important than ever. 

03 Feb

Why Are Green Initiatives Important?

Businesses that focus on green initiatives for their workspace, employees, and products prioritize the health of the planet and environment. More and more, society is recognizing that a healthy planet means a sustainable life for future generations. In fact, more than 1.2 billion jobs depend on the earth’s ecosystems.

03 Feb

How to Create an Amazing Unboxing Experience

As online ordering takes over traditional in-store shopping, the unboxing of products has become more important to brands who want to truly create an experience for their customers. In fact, there are YouTube channels that are devoted specifically to unboxing products on camera for both the pleasure and review of the item. How a product is unboxed can increase marketing, engagement, and customer connection.

03 Feb

How To Recognize Sustainable Packaging

In order for consumers and businesses to develop a greener world, it’s important to know how to recognize sustainable packaging. Over the last decade, socially responsible companies have been creating a strategy for becoming environmentally conscious from their processes to their packaging. While many green buzzwords exist, learning to actually recognize green practices and packaging can be difficult.

03 Feb

Circular Economy

What is Circular Economy?

Popularized by the European Union, the concept of a circular economy endeavors to solve the emerging resource problem facing our planet. The dwindling non-renewable resources that humans have depended on for the last century are projected to run out within the next one hundred years, and societies and governments are trying to find solutions to this complicated problem. Finding a solution now is imperative to ensure we leave enough resources for future generations to utilize.

03 Feb

Buzzwords for Sustainability

Sustainability is a loaded concept that conjures a host of different definitions and feelings. For early pioneers within the movement, their concerns and practices were often met with side-eyed confusion from the average consumer. However, as temperatures continue to rise and environmental issues come to a head, more companies and consumers have begun adopting green practices to offset the wasteful habits of the past. 

03 Feb

Green from A to Z: The Factory Process and Final Product

Creating an environmentally-friendly factory process and final product demands an extraordinary commitment to quality and a little elbow grease. While consumers often think about the sustainability of packaging materials themselves, the process to create these products is just as important.

The goal for a green manufacturing process is no waste, no pollution, and no water contamination.